Catalogue of Activities

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What does the music hide?

What exactly inspired Bedřich Smetana to write his famous symphonic poem Vltava? Listen to a short musical excerpt to…

The creative power of water flow

The velocity of water and the width of the river channel changes over the course of a watercourse, and so does the way…

River floodplain

The area of the river floodplain in which the river meanders is essential to the water regime of the landscape. Use…

Meanders I.

Where does the water flow faster - in a naturally meandering river or in a straight channel? With the help of movement…

Meanders II.

A natural watercourse is subject to dynamic changes over time. Use the picture cards to check that we have a good…

Natural, artificial or just modified?

Using the picture cards and the accompanying presentation, we try to identify natural atercourses from man-made or…

Changes over time: natural watercourse

In the beginning there was a river that meandered freely through the landscape. Let's go back in time together and…

Changes over time: watercourse regulation

The first human arrived at the river and began to adapt it to his needs. Using our own river, we test how waterways…
  • Design
  • Age 6—11
  • 20 minutes

Changes over time: watercourse revitalisation

Human interference with watercourses has exceeded the sustainable limit. The balance in the landscape is disturbed, the…

Basic knowledge: look and raise awareness for the issue

Starting with looking consciously at the landscape and reflecting the meaning of landscape in your everyday life. Does…


The next step involves looking beyond the landscape you see. Why does it look as it does? Which elements is it made up…
  • Design
  • Age 6—11
  • 135 minute (3 school lessons)


Which other senses are involved in perceiving the landscape (sound, smell, touch, taste, memory, emotion)? Based on the…

Shapes and Types of Landscape

Students identify landscape features (shapes, colours, elements) and types (natural, rural, urban) using pictures,…

Feeling Emotions into the Landscape

Students connect personal emotions to different landscapes, identifying shapes, colours, character, and elements, while…

Observing the Landscape

Students develop drawing skills for landscapes and understand observation scales and perspectives.

Climate witnesses

The activity raises awareness of extreme weather events and their impact on children’s home landscapes.

Climate makes the difference: Stories from European landscapes in different climate zones

The activity will create an understanding of how the climate shapes the different landscapes of Europe and thus…

Introducing the greenhouse effect

The activity provides basic knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms of the greenhouse effect and global warming with…

Experiments on climate change and landscape

The activity provides simple experiments through which basic mechanisms of the greenhouse effect, climate change and…